Wey Yang Teoh
Wey Yang Teoh headshot

Dr Wey Yang TEOH is tenured Associate Professor at the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, where he heads the Clean Energy and Nanotechnology (CLEAN) Laboratory. He received his BE (Chemical) and PhD from the University of New South Wales, Australia, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. Prior to Hong Kong, he was the Australian Postdoctoral Fellow awarded by the Australian Research Council. His research is dedicated to the fundamentals of heterogeneous thermal- and photocatalysis, and particularly in solving various Energy and Environmentally-related problems. To do so, he and his group establish new strategies for rational catalysts design based on the photocharge transport, surface molecular catalysis, and photochemical conversions. His research has been funded by national funding bodies such as the Australian Research Council and Research Grant Council of Hong Kong, resulting in many original publications.

He is one of the PI of the Joint Laboratory for Energy and Environmental Catalysis based at City University of Hong Kong which is a joint effort to modernize the way catalysis is being investigated in Hong Kong and the Region.